Radon Mitigation Systems

radon mitigation systems  LifetimRadon

Radon mitigation systems are devices that draw radon from the soil beneath your home’s foundation and exhaust it outdoors, far away from the home’s windows and openings. This technology is available in two forms. One system uses a plastic pipe connected to the soil via a slab floor connection, while the other uses a continuous fan that draws radon gas out of the building. Click Here – radon mitigation systems | LifetimRadon

How a Radon Mitigation System Works

Radon mitigation systems using energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) are effective for limited spaces. They increase ventilation by introducing fresh air from outdoors and using that air to warm or cool incoming air. Installed properly, ERVs can reduce radon levels by up to 75 percent. ERVs also improve the quality of natural ventilation in homes. Natural ventilation is a natural way to control radon levels.

If you are building a new home, you may want to consider an active radon mitigation system. This can save you money while preserving the curb appeal of your new home. You can also choose to install a passive system, but it is important to ensure your home is protected from radon.

Radon mitigation systems can be simple, or complex, depending on the home’s design. EPA-approved action levels are four picocuries per liter of air. The EPA’s Consumer’s Guide to Radon Reduction outlines various methods for reducing the amount of radon in your home. You can install your system yourself or hire a radon mitigation contractor to do the work for you. In some areas, the EPA says that approximately one out of every fifteen homes in the country have elevated levels of radon indoors. That percentage may be higher in your state.